Tours for the islands of Balabac
    Last update: 26 Dec 2024  Views: 6063 Today: 6

Before booking a tour to Balabac Palawan, please make sure you and your friends understand that this tour to the one of the most remote islands of province! This trip is NOT A LUXURY TRIP where everything is comfortable and itineraries are fixed, where is taxi and restaurants. Basic toilets with bucket flush, as well as clean freshwater coming from a deep well are available at the campsite. Travel time between the islands varies from 45 mins to 2 hours, depending on the condition of the waves and weather. If boat going against the waves, it will be splashy, windy cold. If you are ready to meet a different culture and different people, rough islands life, sea water, salt, send, wind, rain, sun and insects then this tour for you!

Expect to be disconnected from your normal world. Calls, Instagram posts is unreliable, if existent. In Balabac Smart sim card signal working better, so you can buy in Puerto Princesa before the tour! There is no electricity in the campsite and whole archipelago. A generator will run at night to give light and power to charge your devices.

Best time to visit Balabac is the summer months of March, April, and May but be ready much more people in the islands, though, all camps will be full! Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov weak to strong Habagat monsoon winds, rainy season will have mix of sun and rain, as well as calm to wavy sea depending on the weather, this period is still ok for travel. Dec Jan Feb strong Amihan winds and waves. Although it is not the best time to go at this season, it is still possible to travel to Balabac and have sun. The bonus is – you can have the islands to yourself since few people travel here at this season. Bugs come out most during the wet season but don’t worry about malaria, there are no cases in the places you will visit. Prepare your insect repellents and long sleeve clothing against itchy sand fleas and mosquito bites.

01. Private boat tour Sibaring island Camp Balabac ★★★★★

Location: Balabac Palawan / Bugsuk island
15,000 ₱ (260 $) - 21,000 ₱ (363 $) Select options to see exact price
Booked: (9) February (1)

This Private boat tour includes overnight stay in a simple accommodation in a private camp on the white beach of Sibaring Island. Visit to Onok island included to the price! For overnight in Onok island you can pay on the spot if available! No fancy things. Just the simple beauty of a low-key life on this pristine remote island. No children allowed below 3 y.o

01a. Shared tour Sibaring island Camp Balabac ★★★★

Location: Balabac Palawan / Bugsuk island
14,000 ₱ (242 $) - 19,500 ₱ (337 $) Select options to see exact price
Booked: (23) February (1) January (4)

Program includes overnight stay in a simple accommodation in a private camp on the white beach of Sibaring Island. Visit to Onok island included to the price! For overnight in Onok island you can pay on the spot if available!  No fancy things. Just the simple beauty of a low-key life on this pristine remote island. No children allowed below 3 y.o.

05. Shared van transfer Puerto Princesa ⇄ Buliluyan Port ★★★★★

Palawan / Puerto Princesa - Buliluyan Port
1,150  (20 $)
Booked: (9)

Transfer Puerto Princesa →  South Palawan Buliluyan Port (Giong to Balabac) Vice Versa. Pick up from your hotel’s reception desk in Puerto Princesa City. Approximate pick up time 2.30-3.30AM. If you don’t have a hotel and arrive by plane before the trip we can suggest you wait pick up at MacDonald’s San Pedro. Total transfer distance: 6 hours, 292 km.

05a. Shared van transfer Puerto Princesa ⇄ Rio Tuba ★★★★★

Palawan / Puerto Princesa - Rio Tuba
900  (16 $)
Booked: (0)

Transfer Puerto Princesa → Rio Tuba (South Palawan) or Buliluyan Port (Going to Balabac) Vice Versa. Number of people for booking in the van max 10. Total transfer distance: to Rio Tuba 252 km. travel time - 5 hours. To Buliluyan Port - 6 hours 292 km.

05b. Private van transfer Puerto Princesa ⇄ Buliluyan Port ★★★★★

Island: Palawan / City: Puerto Princesa - Buliluyan Port
9,700 ₱ (168 $)
Booked: (3)

Private transfer Puerto Princesa - Bataraza Rio Tuba or Buliluyan Port (pier to Balabac). The van will pick/drop you at your hotel or the airport in Puerto Princesa City.